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Heilsufar Hattrick eins og er







...ef þú upplifir eitthvað annað, vinsamlegast tilkynntu það.

Í fréttum er þetta helst

3-18-2024 About Sunday downtime

Hattrick went offline Sunday afternoon around 15.30 CET and stayed down all evening. The reason was a failed disk in our database server, which was not critical in itself, but it had follow-on software effects, which led to a spontaneous reboot of the operating system. When the system came back online, we had to perform various maintenance and repair tasks to ensure that all data was intact and secure before bringing the site back up.

When the site came back online, we extended all the transfers whose deadlines were during the downtime and immediately afterwards by 24 hours and then restarted the game engine. This made it possible for the game engine to catch up overnight, making sure most matches and scheduled updates were on schedule by Monday morning.

In the end, no game data or otherwise important data was lost. What was lost was time, and the chance for many users to submit or update their match orders during Sunday afternoon and evening. We considered delaying the restarting of the game to give users a second window to submit lineups, but as often is the case in situations like this, we would then risk new problems, and we decided it was safer and better not to do this.

Please let this serve as a reminder of the importance of submitting match orders early, and having a standard lineup as a backup. You can always revise a placed lineup close to kick-off if need be, but not having any decent lineup in place is always risky.

Today, we applied a small fix, which means that users who are aiming to achieve the goal of watching all league matches live this season will not be penalized for this downtime. Matches will be counted as having been seen.

3-5-2024 Release notes, March 5

• We have changed the start page so if you visit Hattrick for the first time or with a new device or browser, the login box will no longer be visible right away. Instead, only the sign-up button will be in focus and existing users should click the link "Do you already have an account?" to get to the login dialogue.

If you, like most of our visitors, come to Hattrick from a known browser (with the appropriate cookie), everything will look just like before. This is a small change that most of you will not notice, but it will make the landing page clearer and more functional for newcomers to the game.

• A fix has been made so that the “preview bracket” for the Cup, which shows your potential next opponent, can now be shown also while the current Cup round has recently finished.

• We have also added back the link to the old series tables for youth leagues, which had been misplaced.

3-3-2024 Match issue with counter attacks

We are aware of an issue with our match engine where an unexpected high amount of counter attacks have been created in certain matches. Our team is investigating and we will keep you updated as soon as we have news.

2-17-2024 Release notes 15th February

The following fixes and improvements have been released:
• Added latest season to old series page on youth leagues between seasons
• Fixed a presentational issue with match orders page and youth players skills in Firefox
• Removed the timeline events from the match report on youth matches because the data shown was not correct
• Fixed translation issues with the Player Position in the new league events.

As always we also release other minor bug fixes and improvements to improve your experience on our site.

1-28-2024 Vandamál með Spjallportalið

Við erum að upplifa nokkur vandamál með Spjallportalið sem hægja verulega á því. Við biðjumst afsökunar á óþægindunum.

1-23-2024 Deildarstækkun

Við höfum í dag tilkynnt að Gvæjana og Tahiti verða nýjar deildir í Hattrick næsta tímabil.

Einnig viljum við tilkynna að sex deildir verða stækkaðar með fjórðu deild: Grænhöfðaeyjar, Fílabeinsströndin, Mósambík, Trinidad & Tóbagó, Níkaragva og Dóminíska lýðveldið.

Þetta mun skapa pláss bæði fyrir fleiri staðbundna notendur og fyrir ný lið, ef þú hefur beðið eftir tækifærinu til að ganga til liðs.

1-16-2024 Stakir leikir breytt í einvígi

Þú gætir tekið eftir því að við höfum byrjað að skipta út hugtakinu "Einstaklingsleikir" á síðunni, og í staðinn notað "Einvígi". Í mörgum tungumálum er þetta þegar heitið sem einstaklingsleikir eru kallaðir, nú gerum við breytinguna einnig á ensku og sumum öðrum tungumálum. Þessi breyting er undirbúningur fyrir stærri endurbætur á öllum leikjagerðum sem fara fram utan kjarna leiksins (Mót, Riðlar, Bardagar o.s.frv.) og verða tilkynntar næstu viku.

Einvíg munu virka alveg eins og Einstaklingsleikir, þetta er bara nafnbreyting.

1-11-2024 Vandræði með innskráningu í gegnum facebook

Það virðast vera einhver vandamál með að skrá sig inn í gegnum Facebook. Við erum að vinna hart með Facebook til að reyna að leysa þetta vandamál eins fljótt og auðið er.

Ef þú getur ekki eða vilt ekki bíða eftir þessu, þá getur þú reynt að endurstilla lykilorðið þitt með því að smella á 'Tapaðirðu lykilorðinu?' tengilinn og senda inn annaðhvort notandanafnið þitt eða skráða tölvupóstfangið þitt sem þú getur svo notað til að endurstilla lykilorðið þitt. Við munum þá senda þér tölvupóst á skráða tölvupóstfangið þitt með notandanafninu þínu og möguleikanum á að setja nýtt lykilorð.

Ef þetta virkar ekki, getur þú haft samband við 'Persónuvernd & GDPR' sem geta reynt að hjálpa þér að komast aftur inn á reikninginn þinn. Tengil á samskiptaformið finnur þú neðst á vefsíðu okkar.

1-10-2024 Vandamál með leiki leyst!

Það var vandamál sem olli því að sumir leikir töfðust. Vandamálið er leyst og leikir hafa verið spilaðir.

12-19-2023 Vandamál með búð leyst!

Í morgun leystum við vandamálið frá í gærkvöldi þar sem ekki var hægt að kaupa Silfur, Gull og Demant pakka sem voru í boði. Ef þú varst einn af þeim sem urðu fyrir áhrifum, getur þú nú hlaupið í búðina og nýtt þér tilboðið strax.

Við höfum einnig leyst vandamálið sem varðaði pantanir á Gulli og Demanti með 12+3 möguleikanum sem keyptur var á milli 10:10 í morgun og 12:03. Viðkomandi pantanir verða afgreiddar á næstu klukkustundum, svo þú getur búist við að fá þrjá mánuði til viðbótar af Supporter (+ gjöf til annars notanda) fljótlega á reikninginn þinn. Það er ekki þörf á að hafa samband við Búðina sérstaklega.

12-18-2023 Shop issue with campaign offer

We are aware of a problem with processing the payment request after selecting the payment method. If this problem affects you, don't worry, we will try to fix this as soon as possible.

There is no longer the need to send us a message about this if you are affected. We will publish a new message here when the issue has been fixed. You can go to bed without a problem now, as the offer will still be here tomorrow!

We apologize for the inconvenience if you have been affected by this unfortunate mishap.

12-7-2023 Chat notification issues

We're having some issues that may cause you to get a chat notification for the Hattrick Masters final. We are working on it.

11-21-2023 Release notes 21st November

The following fixes and improvements have been released:

• As of now you will get a message from your secretary when a scheduled transfer is coming up (24h before) and once again when the player is being transferlisted.
• The badge shown to you when you are able to call your youth scouts will be hidden as soon as you visit that page, and is not shown again until after the next financial update.

As always we also release other minor bug fixes and improvements to improve your experience on our site.

11-10-2023 Youth Academy Updates

We’re introducing a one-time window until November 17th, 23:59 HT time, where you can leave any youth league you’re part of and join a new one. The 7-day rule from your last match will still apply when you join the new league. Additionally, we’ve added the option to use Hall Of Fame players as scouts on your Scouting Network. We hope you find these updates enjoyable!

11-7-2023 Improved Manager News box

We introduce a recent improvement to your My Office page, enhancing the Manager News sidebar box. Messages will no longer disappear with a single click, offering you more control over your inbox. Unread messages are now clearly highlighted in bold, ensuring you don’t miss any important updates. Plus, we’ve organized bid messages to prevent your inbox from getting cluttered during bidding wars. You can also quickly identify the source of each message as the team name is now prominently displayed. Enjoy your enhanced inbox management!

10-16-2023 Season start reminders

Welcome to the new Hattrick season! As managers prepare for the first league round, we want to give a gentle reminder that two previously announced changes has taken effect.

First of all, specialities for Goalkeepers are now active in the game. These changes were announced in an Editorial published on October 27 of last year.

This season also marks the start when new coaches will be paid a full regular staff salary. Existing coaches are not affected and will be paid whatever you are already paying them.

Read more in our MyHT announcement about this on June 27 earlier this year.

We wish you a great start to the season!

The HT-team

9-11-2023 Update with match lineups bug

We would like to inform you that the recent bug affecting match lineups in certain leagues has been successfully resolved. Our development team has re-simulated the affected matches using the original data, and all updates have been reinstated. All player and team statuses are back to normal.

We appreciate your patience and support during this process and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by this issue.

UPDATE: The final details with series tables, top scorers, finances and achievements are also solved now.

9-9-2023 Issues with match lineups in some leagues

Because of a problem in the match engine this Saturday morning, the lineups and ratings for home teams in league matches were wrong. The affected leagues are:

Chinese Taipei
Mongol Uls
Hong Kong

It's complicated for us to try to resimulate those matches during the weekend while matches for all leagues are being played, so for now we have paused updates for these leagues and will do our best to roll back the matches and related updates, and resimulate them on Monday.

The match data has been saved, so even if the resimulation takes place on Monday, it will be with the player status and all values from today.

8-31-2023 Technical issue with push notifications in our Android app

UPDATE: We've fixed the Android app's push notification problem. To continue receiving updates, please update to the latest version once it's available on the Google Play Store. Usually, it takes a few hours.

We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with the push notifications in our Android app. Our development team is actively working to resolve this issue and restore normal functionality as soon as possible.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.

7-13-2023 Release notes 13th July

The following improvement has been released:

• You will now have the ability to retire your current player-coach into the Hall of Fame. This can be done from the player page in the same way that you would fire or promote any player but with the difference that in this case he will remain being your coach. This has also been specified in the message before you confirm.

As always we also release other minor bug fixes and improvements to improve your experience on our site.

Sjá meira
